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SQC is a partner organisation, and it is our role as managers to see that we clearly understand the client and the client’s client. With this knowledge we secure the alignment of our excellent employees to deliver the customer expectation in every step of the way.


Mr. Johan P. Wikander

Chairman and Group President

Johan is an experienced business owner and entrepreneur with a profound sense of business. With an extensive network around the world the opportunities and solutions are not far away. With high visions, innovative solutions and profound morals and ethics Johan engage the adequate triggers to make ventures move forward and grow.


PhD, Dr. Gunnar Öhlén

Executive Director of the Board 

Dr. Gunnar has a deep experience from developing innovative hospital and health solutions. He has been managing the world’s most innovative and sustainable university hospital, Karolinska University Hospital (Medical Officer, CMO) and for Stockholm city council (Medical Counsellor and Special Advisor for Emergency Care). Dr. Gunnar was holding the position as President for the EuSEM (16,000 members).


Prof. Paul Barach

Group Director Research & Innovation

Paul has more than 25 years of experience as a practicing health physician and physician executive in the military and in academic medical centers and integrated delivery systems. Paul is highly rewarded as international benchmarking expert providing over 15 years of experience as a practicing clinician and active consultant in strategic health service planning, health facility design, and understanding and applying evidence eased design expertise to contemporary models of care, service planning and development.

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Eng. Stefan Cartling

Group Sustainability & Buildings Director - AFRY

Stefan is one of Europe’s most experienced specialist in sustainable and difficult building projects like hospitals, airports, factories etc. He secures the comprehensive organizations to secure a successful development project with the necessary resources. In his team at AFRY, with 17,000 Engineers & Architects, there are specialist teams for all areas, Sustainable buildings, Medical equipment design, Acoustics, Light, Geotechnical to mention some.

Our Management: Services
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